
By , September 25, 2010 11:37 am

The Guyong-Byng area is geologically unique. The property is divided by the Godolphin fault, running roughly east of, and parallel to the Lewis Ponds creek famous for its role in leading the original gold discoverers to the gold fields of Ophir as noted below. To the west are Ordovician  Andesite Volcanics and to the east, Silurian sediments. To the south is an overlay of Tertiary Basalts which have eroded down the valley by the creek to form heavy black soils of Cenozic age. The sediments have been highly altered and consist of mafic and ultramafic rocks. There are also several large long extensions of quartz veins and  several outcrops of quartz-albite rocks a few hundred metres west of the homestead from which were quarried the “free-stone” to build the stables and original homestead prior to 1860.

The only fossil remains ever found on the place are from  the late Devonian period judging by the  presence of Lamellobranch and Brachiopod fossils in one very smooth and rounded  rock. The nearest substantial relevant Devonian formation is some 30 km away so the fossil was presumably carried onto the property by humans in the last 10 years or so.

The geological features around Guyong reminded Edward Hargraves of some of the gold bearing country around California where he had been during the gold rushes of 1849. It prompted him to return to Guyong and show three local boys how to build a gold cradle and conduct a search of the Lewis Ponds Creek for the precious metal. Small quantities were found on Godolphin and payable quantities which led to the first Gold Rush in the nation at Ophir were found in April 1851 by John Lister and William Tom at the Junction of the Creek with Summer Hill creek, just 14 miles downstream of Godolphin.

A Copper mine at Byng was established by John Glasson and Richard Lane in the 1840’s. Despite sending a number of high quality copper shipments to the UK, technical problems led to its demise just as gold was discovered at Ophir. There are still many recorded mines around the area, some of which are on Godolphin. According to a source at the time the mine was also noted for its production of the “Carangara Hair Restorer” in addition to copper. No doubt a story spread about from some of the properties various bald-headed proprietors.

A number of mining leases have been held by various companies over the years. Exploratory drilling operations have recently been conducted on Diamond Hill and Duffers Gully  by Lucknow Gold and Copper ( September 2010). Around Byng, Clancy Resources have been conducting similar drilling programs.

A geological map of the property and surrounding area made in 1968 by Brian Stevens is shown below.

Geology of Godolphin at Guyong
Geology of Godolphin at Byng-Guyong

Geology of Godolphin at Byng-Guyong

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