Property Maps

By , November 18, 2009 1:18 am

An outline of most of the paddocks overlaid on the geology with Lewis Ponds Creek and some tributaries all  in blue, is shown below. Several to the south are missing.  The Chinaman’s Hill fault line runs  north towards Byng from that hill and it meets the Godolphin Fault that runs North-West (to the right of the homestead and near the creek) about the Carangara Mines.

Recently  X-ray spectrophotometric anlysis of two west to east cross sections through the property were completed. It is intended to plot the detailed results when they have been finally anlayzed.

There are four basic parent geological materials overlayed around the lower regions near the creek by black alluvial flats called Cainozoic (Cz) on the map.

  • The popularly named Byng Volcanics is  composed of Ordovician (Links Andesite Formation) metamorphosed Andesitic Volcanics to the west of the Godolphin fault ….490-443 million years ago (mya)
  • Early Silurian sediments (Lewis Ponds Creek Formation) of volcanic sandstone and siltstone bounded by the Godolphin fault to the east 443-417 mya
  • Post Mid Devonian Quartz reefs , Quartz-albite porphories and a number  of separate Ultra basic intrusions in the mid and north east 417-354 mya
  • Tertiary basalt on the southern boundaries … 65- 2 mya

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